Welcome back! HKU rings in the second-half of the academic year
Natsuki Arita
The end of the winter holidays has arrived, ringing in both the Lunar New Year, Semester 1 grading, and last but not least, the second-half of more mixed-mode learning. With students and staff (hopefully) adjusting to mixed mode and university life amidst a global pandemic, some things have remained unchanged, while others have not.
Semester 2 teaching arrangements are almost indistinguishable from semester 1, with the exception that more courses will be delivered purely in online mode. The reason for this change is to make up for the lack of demand for hybrid courses and the confusion of having too many learning modes from the first semester.
Of course, this does not apply to every course. Like the first semester, most examinations will also take place online, save for a few exceptions. Some courses require specific hands-on engagement which can only be supplied during face-to-face learning sessions, such as BioMed students and lab-focused majors. For those who are unsure, make sure to frequently check in on your course syllabuses and email notifications. This applies for hands-on engagement exams, or exams that require using professional gear.
The first semester dealt with close monitoring of the COVID situation with the hopes of eventually opening up campus doors for face-to-face learning. Semester 2 will be no different in this respect, but since many students are still studying from outside of Hong Kong, the school must consider the accessibility of face-to-face learning for those who are effectively locked out of campus.
Something that might be a little new to Year 2 students and above is the ‘Self-enrol’ function, and along with that, the elimination of Pass/Fail options this academic year. Whether you loved or loathed the Pass/Fail system, it is no longer here to save your CGPA. In these trying times, the University is still applying a failsafe for students who may still be adjusting to the storms of online learning in the form of late drop. Students will still be able to exercise the late drop option from 9:00 AM of March 8th to 11:59 PM of April 9th.
Using Campus Facilities
As in semester 1, all students should practice good hygiene and mask wearing when entering campus. With the government looking to relax COVID restrictions and the fears of another wave riding on the shoulders of a more ‘relaxed’ Hong Kong, it is unlikely that all facilities can stay open indefinitely.
Since the Semester has begun, students are itching to get back to their regular schedules and to develop some semblance of a routine. Library facilities are still open for those who have trouble studying at home or at hall, but make sure to check frequently if the library opening hours have changed for the days that you wish to reserve for studying.
Another itch that has been harder to scratch amidst the pandemic have been maintaining gym and exercise routines. As per government guidelines, all fitness centres have been shut down to prevent the spread of the pandemic until February 18th. Although there is no news yet on whether gym facilities will be up and running in accordance to less stringent government regulations, there is good reason to be hopeful about the re-opening of our on and off campus fitness centres.
If not, the Stanely Ho Sports Centre does have some facilities up and running for those who want to play tennis, get a jog going, or to rally a small group of people for a modest game of netball/basketball/soccer. Be sure to book the facility beforehand and not to overcrowd your area in light of social distancing.
Nevertheless, the new academic year holds much more promise as we enter the ox-picious new year. Keep your head held high for the year has only just begun and there is more to be found on the horizon.