(note: not for tourists)
Gabriel Fung
Dear reader,
I am not going to treat you like a tourist. I am not going to be recommending tourism board photos. And I am certainly not going to be showing you those same generic photos of IFC, Victoria Harbour, or Temple Street – you know, the ones that have that very instagrammable red/blue orange/teal contrast.
Instead, I will be presenting you Hong Kong’s more unconventional photography, works that capture the city as it is, and not as it’s marketed.
Rambler15, otherwise known as Jeremy Cheung, is a freelance photographer who specializes in fusion. In all his works, there’s a very particular blend of typography, and geometry that evokes theme-specific moods. He’s popular for his tram photos actually (you may have seen some of them at certain tram spots), but he’s a big in the realm of double exposure film photography. He’s done collaborations with MTR, Leica, Canon, and many other big companies.

Another film photographer, and her name is!... well I don’t actually know. Chumfilmphoto works often with double exposure too, but her photos are more reminiscent of a bygone era of film photography – notably the late-1990s. Many of her photos feel vintage, certainly nostalgic, and embody a style of photography that is rapidly fading away.

Nicolas Petit is a street photographer from Brussels, and he is the best at candid. Oftentimes I find myself wondering where he finds all these weird people. Needless to say he’s got a sharp eye, and you’ll find yourself going what?! every other photo. I mean, what is going on with that man...

Fan Kar Long, or Anthony Fan, is actually from HKU! He’s on the rise of becoming one of the city’s most prolific portrait photographers, and he’s taken photos for Dear Jane, Dr. Yuen Kwok-yung, Tanya Chan, Zhang Xiang, Benny Tai, the Student Union… His portraits are provoking, emotive, but also quite uncanny. I’d follow him to see who he captures next, and how he will go about doing it.

Lam Yik Fei is one of HK’s most prolific photojournalists, and he’s captured some serious stuff. He photographed many of the city’s watershed moments, especially during the 2019 protests and the first weeks of the COVID outbreak. His works, quite rightfully, are often featured on the front covers of the NYTimes.

I’d like to end this article by showing some love to photographers from our own university. Isaac Wong is a freelance photojournalist who only recently graduated, and his recent works have encapsulated the many twists and turns that have unfolded in the university and in HK. He has a series called Battle of the Banners (which you can find on his IG), depicting the variety of ways people vandalized the banners of District Council Candidates to create the most unusual looks.